主要裝修工程 Major Retrofitting Works
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- 何謂「主要裝修工程」?
甲.裝修工程中加裝或更換一項屋宇裝備裝置,而以一個單位或一個公用地方iii計算,工程涵蓋的內部樓面面積i不少於500平方米。根據《建築物能源效益守則》2012年版第10節,該項屋宇裝備裝置指 ─- 照明器的電路瓦數總和等於或超過3千瓦(例如:相等於200個15瓦特的慳電膽或超過90個長度為1.2米的標準T5熒光燈);
- 送風機或單式組裝空調機的冷卻 / 加熱負荷功率總和等於或超過60千瓦(例如:相等於17部1.5匹空調機);或
- 升降機、自動梯或乘客輸送機的電動機驅動裝置及機械驅動裝置(註:不包括單一電動機驅動裝置或機械驅動裝置)。
- 有關「內部樓面面積」的釋義,請參閱《建築物能源效益守則》2012年版第2節。內部樓面面積應以每個單位或公用地方計算,而不應由多於一個單位或公用地方累計而成。
- 換言之,在內部樓面面積少於500平方米的單位或公用地方進行的裝修工程將不涵蓋於「主要裝修工程」的範圍內。
- 有關「公用地方」的界定,請參閱《條例》附表3的附註(1)。)
乙.加裝或更換「中央屋宇裝備裝置」的主要組件,包括:- 額定值為400安培或以上的一組完整電路(註:「完整電路」包括開關及電纜,而非只是電纜或單一開關);或
- 一部冷卻或供暖額定值為350千瓦或以上的單式組裝空調機或冷水機(註:只包括單式組裝空調機或冷水機,而非整個機組);或
- 一部升降機、自動梯或行人輸送帶的電動機驅動裝置及機械驅動裝置(註:不包括單一電動機驅動裝置或機械驅動裝置)。
甲類只適用於個別單位或公用地方,乙類則只適用於中央屋宇裝備裝置。符合甲類或乙類,加上《建築物能源效益守則》2012年版第10節表10.1左起第二及/或第三欄其中一項對應的條件,則會視為「主要裝修工程」。此外,該表左起第二及/或第三欄所列出的每類「主要裝修工程」,其對應的《建築物能源效益守則》規定或段落已於同表右起第一及/或第二欄列出。有關詳盡規定及條件,請參閱《條例》附表3及《建築物能源效益守則》2012年版第10節的技術釋義。如有需要,請向工程界的專業人士(例如:《條例》下的「註冊能源效益評核人」)尋求意見。 - 若一項裝修工程分期在一個單位或一個公用地方進行,而每期涵蓋的內部樓面面積不少於500平方米,該裝修工程會否視為「主要裝修工程」?
- 根據《條例》附表3,若裝修工程在12個月內的不同階段所涵蓋的內部樓面面積累計不少於500平方米,則該裝修工程仍會視為「主要裝修工程」。有關詳情請參閱《條例》附表3及《建築物能源效益守則》2012年版第10節的技術釋義。
- 若一項裝修工程在一個單位或一個公用地方涵蓋的內部樓面面積不少於500平方米,但除了髹漆、更換牆紙、地毯或傢俱外,不涉及屋宇裝備裝置,該裝修工程會否視為「主要裝修工程」?
- 若一項裝修工程在一個單位或一個公用地方涵蓋的內部樓面面積不少於500平方米,除了更換少量熒光燈(即慳電光管)外,不涉及屋宇裝備裝置,該裝修工程會否視為「主要裝修工程」?
甲.照明器的電路瓦數總和等於或超過3千瓦(例如:相等於200個15瓦特的慳電膽或超過90個長度為1.2米的標準T5熒光燈); 乙.送風機或單式組裝空調機的冷卻 / 加熱負荷功率總和等於或超過60千瓦(例如:相等於17部1.5匹空調機);或 丙.升降機、自動梯或乘客輸送機的電動機驅動裝置及機械驅動裝置。
有關詳情請參閱《建築物能源效益守則》2012年版第10節。 - 若「主要裝修工程」在2012年9月21日前開始,並將於該日或以後完成,是否必須遵行《建築物能源效益守則》?
是。請瀏覽《條例》的網頁,參閱「主要裝修工程」的相關提示。在網頁內,你亦可以找到與《條例》相關的有用資料,包括「主要裝修工程」的法定要求。相反,如果裝修工程在2012年9月20日或之前完成,則毋須強遵行《建築物能源效益守則》。 - 「主要裝修工程」在何時視為完成?
根據《條例》第17條第(3)款,當所有涉及「主要裝修工程」的屋宇裝備裝置可供隨時作其設計主要功能之用,則該工程視為經已完成。例如若工程涉及照明裝置、電力裝置及空調裝置,而空調裝置在最後完成安裝,則空調裝置可供隨時正常運作之時,該工程便會視為完成。在實際情況下,若工程顧問或承建商發出完工證明書,則可把該證明書視為工程完工日期的證明文件。 - 誰是「主要裝修工程」的負責人?
在一般情況下,就個別單位而言,並視乎完成「主要裝修工程」之時,誰人正在佔用或管有該單位而定,「負責人」為業主、租客或佔用人。就公用地方或中央屋宇裝備裝置而言,「負責人」則為業主,即業主立案法團,若此團體不存在,則為全體業主。 - 在總樓面面積不少於500平方米的公用地方,將現有光管更換為發光二極管光管或T8/T5轉換套件,但現有裝置將會維持不變,這項裝修工程是否涵蓋於「主要裝修工程」的範圍內?
根據《建築物能源效益條例》附表3及《建築物能源效益守則》2012年版 第10節表10.1,若工程涉及加裝或更換照明器及涵蓋不少於500平方米的總內部樓面面積,加上涉及工程的照明器之電路瓦數總和超過3千瓦,並符合表10.1左起第二及/或第三欄所闡釋的任何一項對應的條件,則該項工程將會視為「主要裝修工程」。此外,根據《建築物能源效益守則》第2節關於「照明器」的釋義,照明器應包括電燈、控制器(如照明器需由控制器操作)及用以裝配及保護電燈的所有必需組件。就此個案而言,由於工程只涉及更換電燈或加裝轉換套件,因此不會視為「主要裝修工程」。- What are “major retrofitting works”?
There are two major types of “major retrofitting works” defined in Schedule 3 of the Ordinance, including:- addition or replacement of a building services installation in the retrofitting works covering an internal floor area of not less than 500m² ii in a unit or a common area, where a building services installation means either (as elaborated in Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition) –
- luminaires with the sum of rated wattage not less than 3kW (for example, equivalent to about 200 nos. 15W compact fluorescent lamps or over 90 nos. standard T5 fluorescent tubes of 1.2m),
- air handling unit(s) or unitary air-conditioner(s) with the sum of cooling/heating capacity not less than 60kW (for example, equivalent to about 17 nos. 1.5hp air-conditioners), or
- a motor drive plus mechanical drive of a lift, escalator or passenger conveyor (note: not including only a motor drive or only a mechanical drive).
- Please refer to Section 2 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition for the interpretation of “internal floor area”. The internal floor area should be measured per unit or common area but not lumped together across more than one unit or common area.
- In other words, retrofitting works inside a unit or a common area of an internal floor area less than 500 m² will not fall within the scope of “major retrofitting works”.
- Please refer to Note (1) in Schedule 3 of the Ordinance for the identification of “a common area”.)
- OR
- addition or replacement of a main component of the central building services installation, where a main component means either –
- a complete electrical circuit at rating 400A or above, (note: “complete electrical circuit” meaning switch plus cable but not only cable or a single switch),
- a unitary air-conditioner or chiller of cooling or heating rating at or exceeding 350kW (note: only counting a single air-conditioner or chiller, but not a plant), or
- a motor drive plus mechanical drive of a lift, escalator or passenger conveyor (note: not including only a motor drive or only a mechanical drive).
(Notes: Central building services installation is a building services installation in a prescribed building that does not solely serve a unit of that building.)
Type A only applies to individual units or common areas while type B only applies to central building services installations. Meeting either type A or type B, plus either one of the corresponding conditions elaborated in the 2ndand/or 3rd columns from the left of Table 10.1 in Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition, will be regarded as major retrofitting works. Moreover, for each type of the major retrofitting works listed in the 2nd and/or 3rd columns from the left of the Table, the corresponding BEC requirement(s)/clause(s) required to be complied with is/are listed in the 1st and/or 2nd columns from the right of the Table. For further detailed requirements and conditions, please refer to Schedule 3 of the Ordinance and the technical elaboration in Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition. Please also consult engineering professionals (e.g. Registered Energy Assessors under the Ordinance) if necessary. - addition or replacement of a building services installation in the retrofitting works covering an internal floor area of not less than 500m² ii in a unit or a common area, where a building services installation means either (as elaborated in Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition) –
- If a piece of retrofitting works is carried out in phases in a unit or common area and each phase covers an internal floor area less than 500m²,
will the retrofitting works be regarded as “major retrofitting works”?
Pursuant to Schedule 3 of the Ordinance, if the internal floor areas covered by various phases of the retrofitting works add up to not less than 500m² within 12 months, the retrofitting works will still be regarded as “major retrofitting works”. For further detailed conditions, please refer to Schedule 3 of the Ordinance and the technical elaboration in Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition. - If a piece of retrofitting works covers an internal floor area not less than 500m² in a unit or common area but no building services installation
is involved except painting, replacement of wall paper, replacement of carpet or replacement of fixed furniture etc., will the retrofitting works
be regarded as “major retrofitting works”?
No. Only if the addition or replacement of a building services installation is involved, the retrofitting works will likely, but not necessarily, be regarded as “major retrofitting works”. For the detailed scopes and conditions, please click here and refer to Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition. - If a piece of retrofitting works covers an internal floor area not less than 500m² in a unit or common area but no building services installation
is involved except replacement of a few fluorescent tubes, will the retrofitting works be regarded as “major retrofitting works”?
No. Only the addition or replacement of building services installations to a certain scale will be regarded as “major retrofitting works”. Indeed, it is specified in the Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition that only the addition or replacement of either one of the following building services installations in a piece of retrofitting works covering an internal floor area not less than 500m² in a unit or common area will be regarded as “major retrofitting works”:- luminaires with the sum of rated wattage not less than 3kW (for example, equivalent to about 200 nos. 15W compact fluorescent lamps or over 90 nos. standard T5 fluorescent tubes of 1.2m);
- air handling unit(s) or unitary air-conditioner(s) with the sum of cooling/heating capacity not less than 60kW (for example, equivalent to about 17 nos. 1.5hp air-conditioners); or
- a motor drive and mechanical drive of a lift, escalator or passenger conveyor.
For further detailed conditions, please refer to Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition. - If the “major retrofitting works” are commenced before 21 September 2012 and will be completed on or after that day, is it compulsory to comply with the Building Energy Code (BEC)?
Yes. Please refer to the relevant soft reminder for major retrofitting works at the web page of the Ordinance where you may also find other useful information about the Ordinance including the statutory requirements for major retrofitting works. On the contrary, if the retrofitting works are completed on or before 20 September 2012, the compliance with the BEC is not mandatory. - When “major retrofitting works” are regarded as completed?
Pursuant to Section 17(3) of the Ordinance, “major retrofitting works” are regarded as completed when all the building services installations involved in the works are ready to be used for its principal function as designed. For example, if lighting installation, electrical installation and air-conditioning installation are involved in the works and the air-conditioning installation is the last completed, the works are regarded as completed when the air-conditioning installation has also been ready to be put into normal operation. In practice, a certificate of completion issued by the works consultant or contractor, if available, may be regarded as a documentary evidence for the completion date of the works. - Who is the responsible person of major retrofitting works?
Normally, in respect of a unit, owner, tenant or occupier is regarded as the “responsible person”, depending on who occupies or is in possession or control of the unit as at the completion of the major retrofitting works. In respect of a common area or central building services installation, the “responsible person” should be the owner, i.e. the Owners' Corporation, or all individual owners if no such organization. - In a common area with the gross floor area of not less than 500 m², it is intended to replace the existing fluorescent tubes by LED tubes or T8/T5 conversion kits while the existing fittings will remain unchanged. Does this retrofitting work fall into the scope of “major retrofitting works”?
Pursuant to Schedule 3 of the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance and Table 10.1 in Section 10 of the Building Energy Code 2012 Edition (BEC), works will be regarded as "major retrofitting works" under the Ordinance provided that they involve addition or replacement of luminaires and cover a total internal floor area of not less than 500 m², plus the total circuit wattage of the luminaires involved exceeding 3kW and the works meeting either one of the corresponding conditions elaborated in the 2nd and/or 3rd columns from the left of the Table 10.1 as well. Moreover, pursuant to the interpretation of "luminaire" in Section 2 of the BEC, a luminaire should include lamp(s), control gears, if applicable, and all necessary components for fixing and mechanical protection of lamps.
In this case, the works involve replacement of lamps or addition of conversion kits only and therefore are not regarded as major retrofitting works.
- What are “major retrofitting works”?